I am Evelyn Böhmer-Laufer, the initiator of the peacecamp-project.
Since 2004, I have realized 11 peacecamps, one each summer in Austria plus one, 2005 in Israel.
I am putting a lot of my time and energy into the peacecamp-project, and do this benevolently with the help of my husband Ronny, my daughter Lia and a lot of assistants and helpers.
I got disappoinment with people of my generation who did not succeed to create a peaceful world built on respect and generosity towards all people and religions.
I believe in the power of youth and in their ability to shape their world and to create a better, more peaceful, more equal, more fair world than the one into which they were born.
I therefore invite young people to meet other young people for a shared adventure and hope that by the end of the peacecamp, we will all be closer to answers the 4 questions concerning peace:
1. what does the word peace mean to each one of us, in our own life context?
2. what are the obstacles to peace in our own life context?
3. what have we done so far, to make our own world nore peaceful?
4. what can and will we do in the future to make our own world more peaceful?
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Für ein 10-tägiges peacecamp mit 50 TeilnehmerInnen benötigen wir ca. 80 € pro Person und Tag, in Summe also etwa 40.000 €.
Bitte übernehmen Sie die Kosten für eine oder mehrere der folgenden
1 Flugticket 450 €
1 Busfahrt Budapest – Wien – Budapest 20 €
1 Kunstworkshop 1.250 €
1 Tag Gruppenleiter 50 €
1 Person Vollpension 35 €
2 Personen Vollpension 70 €
1 Person Bastelsachen4peace 10 €
1 Person Zeckenimpfung 60 €
1 Person Versicherung, Medikamente 50 €
1 Person Transfer Wien – Lackenhof – Wien 20 €
1 Person, 1 Tag peacecamp 80 €
5 x Frühstück 35 €
7x Mittagessen 49 €
Herzlichen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung und Ihr Wohlwollen
sagen die Veranstalter des Projekts peacecamp
Verein zur Förderung der politischen Mündigkeit - 4peace
IBAN: AT38 1200 0514 5501 1078
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