Friday, 2. May 2014
facebook group for peacecamp 2014: please sign in

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Thursday, 1. May 2014
Evelyn and the peacecamp in Austrian Radio Ö1

Im Radiokultursender Ö1 am Mittwoch, 23.04.2014 zu Gast bei "Von Tag zu Tag": Evelyn Böhmer-Laufer im Gespräch mit Andreas Obrecht über das peacecamp-Projekt.

Hier anzuhören:
(35 Minuten)

(Anklicken, um den Artikel zu lesen.
Click on the thumbnail to read the article.)

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Tuesday, 29. April 2014
Meet Victoria Kirchner, Austrian delegation

Hello, my name is Vicky and i´m fifteen years old. I was born in Vienna but I am half-russian because my mom comes from russia. I like to play the piano and I love to sing. I´m also in a choir and I love it. In my free time I like to go out and go running with my dog, meet some friends, make sport or just reading (I´m addicted to reading :)). I never been to Peace-Camp before but I´m very interested in making new experiences and meet other people.
I am very excited about Peace-Camp and meeting you all and I can´t wait until it starts.

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